Be curious about the things around you. Learn about them. Meet people, get to know them. You never know where inspiration will start. Give it the opportunity to take root in your mind.
Several times in my life I have found myself at a crossroads with little direction to follow. One time, in particular, stands out in my mind, because it led me on a great adventure and gave me the opportunity to meet wonderful people and help to improve the quality of life of many. It all started from the somewhat selfish thought of trying to save a little money.
I was in between projects and enjoying a little time off. (Some may call this unemployed, I prefer my version) I realized one day as I was driving around my little town that I had a big luxury car and spent most of my driving time by myself in it. While I enjoyed the comfort of the vehicle, it was probably not the most cost-effective mode of transportation given the cost of gas. (At that time around $5 per gallon) I had ridden motorcycles as a younger man and thought that, since most of my driving was within a five-mile radius of my home, maybe a cheap little scooter would be a more cost-effective alternative.
I went to the local Powersports retailer, thinking that I would simply pick out the model I wanted and drive it home that afternoon. To my surprise, I wasn’t the first one with that idea, they were sold out of all of their models for the model year. Figuring that maybe it was just because I lived in an affluent neighborhood and most had probably purchased them on a whim like I was attempting to do, I set out to find a dealer in a different neighborhood and make my purchase. Several dealerships later I began to realize that my thinking may have been flawed.
I went home and turned to the Internet for support. Scanning the world wide web for a dealership that both had vehicles in stock and was close enough that I could pick it up in a day or two. Then something interesting happened, I stumbled upon an electric version of the scooter I had been searching to find. The possibility of NEVER going to a gas station to fill up intrigued me. I did more research to find out what kind of range they might have. Did they have to have a REALLY long extension cord or what? No, they run on batteries, good, how far will they go before you have to recharge the batteries? Most had a range of 25-50 miles. That’s fine for me, everything I do is within a five-mile radius of my house, I could go all day if I plan well. Do I have to renew my motorcycle license? Well, if I don’t need to travel over 20 MPH they are considered “Electric Bicycles” and I don’t need a license of any sort! This was all great news, and these electric bicycles were less expensive than the gas scooters I had been looking at. So, let's see, less cost to purchase, less fuel cost, less maintenance, and no special licensing? Where can I test drive one of these things, I want to buy one. Google search….the nearest dealer is 400 miles away! Well, that was a good idea that will have to wait until I am in that area.
Green Wheelin' Scooters |
Scooters for Sale |
None of this could have happened if I hadn’t been aware of what was occurring around me. First, that there was a shortage of economical vehicles, second, that there was an opportunity to buy a “dealership” at a very reasonable price, and third, that the local market accepted the product, in fact, devoured the product, and was able to support a Bricks and Mortar establishment. Being a “Student of Life” allowed me to assemble the pieces needed to start and grow the electric scooter business into a successful company.
If you would like to know more about me, you can get more information on my website at www.DynamicStrategies.Ltd